The Pale King - V
Part 1
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I feel so cold. Where is
everyone? I’m all alone. Why is it so dark in here? Where are you? Matilda?
Where are you? What’s that? I can hear you breathing. No, wait. That’s just me.
Why am I in this chair? How long have I been here? Why am I alone?
not alone.
Who’s that? Show
yourself. Why can’t I move? Please help me!
I’m inside.
Inside…inside me? Inside my head?
I’m inside. I cannot help
you, yet.
Why can’t I move?
It requires a lot of
concentration to hold someone like me inside your head. What did you think when
you called out to me? Did you expect something else to happen?
Called out?
Yes, you called to me and I answered.
Who are you?
I have no name. I simply am.
You called upon me, with your spirit. Is this not what you wanted?
I can’t remember. Why can’t I move? Where is
the power I sought?
It is here. You must harness
it. Learn to wield it.
Learn? How?
I will show you.
What’s that sound? Is someone coming?
I don’t know. Let’s wait and
No, I wish to flee. Move my legs and run.
Please, grant me this much.
I cannot. You must harness
the power yourself.
“Sir, look over here! I found someone!”
Who is it? I can’t look to see.
Just let this play out.
“My god, look at the state of him.”
“He isn’t responding to stimulus but he’s breathing.”
“Get a stretcher. We’ll take him in. How is he still alive?”
How am I still alive? I feel like frail and
broken. Is this your doing?
No, you are still alive because
of me. You are weak because of yourself.
Please! Help me. I need your help. I don’t
know what to do.
Just rest now.
Where are we now?
A safe place.
What? Why?
To protect you. Now we must
work on your first task.
Task? What task?
To regain control of your
body of course. Now we must start small.
Yes. Now concentrate on your
feelings. I want you to push all your anger to the surface. All your malice,
all your malcontent. Feel it rise in you and push it out from your mind. Send
it out into the world.
Push my mind? What do you mean!?
“What the hell is going on with them!? You two, get some sedatives.
Lock the common room doors. What the fuck has gotten into them?”
Just like that.
I’m tired now.
It’s alright. You can rest
now. We will continue later. But you’ve done well for your first time.
How long until I have my body back? How long
As long as it takes you. Its
all up to you.
I think I’ve gotten the hang of sending my
feelings out. Is there something else I can do?
We must start working on
Them? Them who? I can’t see anything
anymore. All I see is you.
The others. You can’t see
them but surely you can feel them. Feel their fractured minds hanging in the void.
I can feel them. What shall I do? Try to
mend them?
Mend them? No, you are
trying to coax them. Turn them towards you.
How do I do that? Why would I want to?
You’ll need those that
follow you. You’ll need power.
What like a king?
A King! That’s it. You are
the Pale King.
The Pale King.
“The Pale…King.”
Who was that?
Your first follower. Reach
out. Touch more minds. Don’t stop until you have control.
I am the Pale King.
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