The Pale King - I

The Pale King

Westknell Township Sanitarium’s border fence touches the old Westknell Cemetery on its eastern side. The common room has a clear view of the stone edifices below. They serve as a reminder of the inevitably of death for some and the remembrance of passed loved ones to others. To the infirm and insane of Westknell it is seen as a portal to another world. Talk is often heard, by the orderlies, as inane babble, coughed curses, and drooled remarks of past lives lost and fractured to the slow steady tick of mental decay. But there is one man who sits in silence among the dull witted and drooling. He is revered by the patients and studied by the staff.
Most men in the ward are regarded by their level of dangerous inclinations. Yellow level patients are cordoned off for they are the most violent. Red level patients are docile but easily provoked if not kept an eye on. Blue level patients are docile and complacent, often lost in their own worlds babbling to themselves. Green level patients seem almost normal with how they act, kept for observation until they are deemed either worthy to leave or condemned to stay. Black level patients aren't criminally insane but are handed over to the sanitarium by the state for preservation. They rank highest on the invalid scales. And then there is the silent man. He has his own distinction among the orderlies. 
The white level patient.
He is either vegetative or absent from his vessel like a soul on a vacation, the workers do not know. He eats his food slowly, mechanically. He does his bodily functions in time and sleeps with eyes half open, irises pointed back towards his skull. The white level patient is the only one of his kind at Westknell. And he will remain that way if the warden has any say of it.
                The other patients however have a different name for the silent man. The first day he was rolled into the common room, after being found in a home abandoned by his family some months before, covered in filth, malnourished and certainly dying, he was met with disdain, concern, and fear by some of the other levels. The docile reds were provoked almost immediately by his presence. The blue patients spoke less and less in the first days of his arrival, most becoming mute. The green patients reverted to previous levels of insanity at the sight of him only calming down after two months of recovery therapy that they had completed months prior to his arrival. The whole ward was in a stir. The strangest occurrence however had been in the mood of the yellows. As has been stated Yellow patients are deemed the most violent of insane offenders. Having murdered, or raped, or mutilated, or in some cases committed all three atrocities or some variation of each before being brought to Westknell for “treatment”. Treatment being a loose term in their case as they were too far gone to be helped.
                When the silent man arrived, the orderlies noticed a quieting of the yellow block where the yellow patients were kept. They banged less on their padded cells. They cried out less, cursed less, shat on themselves less. Attempted to hurt the orderlies less. And were almost cured of their insanity. One doctor, a Dr. Henry Starcross, wondered if there was some aura in the silent man that caused a stir in the less beleaguered but calmed the more insane.
                After two weeks things settled back to their old ways, but the silent man remained the center of things. The babblers started to speak of something new and it was repeated in the discussion circles. A new name had emerged to describe the silent man. A new level of respect shown him for reasons none of the staff could explain. When asked, a green level patient remarked, “He will save us…he will lead us to salvation.” Very religious sentiment coming from a man who had been deemed an atheist in his own words.
                When asked who he meant the man responded with three words:
                “The Pale King.”  
