The Portal - III

Part 1


Across the realms of time and the vastness of space exists a multitude of sentience. Spread across the darkness and apart from one another these nodes of life will never come to meet or interact. Except when a portal is created.
                In the early days of humanity one such portal was thrust open for a chance meeting between worlds. One might dream of such an encounter. The ability to share knowledge and wealth of years between peoples. A bridge of eternity created for the benefit of all creation. A rope dropped into a dark well to heave the wretched to salvation. This portal was not such a device of prosperity.
                It seems that the mechanism for creating a portal of such magnitude requires a humongous amount of energy to achieve. The kind of energy an entire world could wield. The kind of power that is stolen from its host, used against its will for any means necessary. A portal created with the spark of life, stolen at death.
                When the first portal opened on the barren plains of the Antarctic there was no one there to greet the travelers. As all the lives used to open the portal were spent before a return could be made they were stuck in the cold wastes. No lives to trade, and being of the prideful nature they were, would not create a portal from their own lives. The visitors withered away and died leaving not a speck of their visit but faint traces in the ice unseen by human eyes.
                The next portal was smaller and carried only two things from its origin: A single creature and a text of great knowledge. Both were greeted by a human and both were taken hostage. The creature was soon destroyed for being an alien it would not last long among the humans. However, the text was channeled and translated by its captor. In the deserts where it was first met by the human sun was it granted new life on this planet of feeble humans. Here would it stay for the rest of creation, though the original text has long been lost, being replaced by the translation.
                The next portal did not come from some other worldly origin to pop into existence on a quiet plain in rural Zimbabwe, or a desert steppe in west China, or even the metropolis of Berlin. The next portal was created by a human in a small seaside town of New England, USA. A small town, outside Boston, in the deep woods, was wiped off its inhabitants when a man, in possession of the translated texts, opened a portal to another world. What he say cannot be said for the horrors he unknowingly unleashed upon himself are indescribable. But what can be said is this: misreading an ancient text can have dire consequences for one who wishes for paradise and instead invites himself into hell.
                This text, of which I have spoken, still exists. These words that can call upon forces to create portals to netherworlds, distant vistas, and heavens unknown, are in human hands at this very moment. Two such texts are held under lock and key, and neither owners know of this power, but one, in the hands of a man in London, England, is the source of great destruction.
                A portal is set to open. Only time will tell if the day of reckoning will arise.
