The Cemetery - VII

Part 1


20th June, 1712 

Sitting under the shadow of the statute of my daughter Genevieve has rejuvenated me. I always felt that she was an angel and was never truly meant for this plane of existence. She had to ascend to Heaven to be with the heavenly Father as soon as she was capable. I will never lament that fact. I do however lament that in her absence such derision has been created between my wife and I. I could never guess that such a rift would form in such a happy fulfilled life. Perhaps we are being punished for some reason? Perhaps our covetous nature of our daughter and her rapture from our care is all a plan for redemption?
                Or…and I fear even to entertain this notion…we are being haunted by some devil. The signs are there surely and I have never felt such levels of anger or dread or malice emanating from a person or situation as I have my wife over these past months. How I wish I was present that night I sent Langley. How I wish I could see with my own eyes what possible pacts or promises were made in the dark here. But how can I believe in two things at once? Surely if my daughter is indeed an angel she would make this spot, upon where I currently sit, a holy place where no devil could set foot. How then, if that is true could my wife be haunted by a devil from this very spot?
                I can’t let these notions of fear and malice grow inside me any longer. I must take hold of my faith and know that what I have seen is simply a malady of the mind. A consequence of stress and the bearing of too much weight from my losses. I need to speak with my wife. I need to confer with her as I have in the past. These shadow deeds that I fear are in my mind. These dreams are a fabrication and my own biases of fear have swayed my mind.
                This clarity I feel could only come from sitting here with my daughter. She is indeed an angel. Thank you my love. I will mend these fraying bonds.


I have returned to my home and wait in my study for Dr. Starcross’ return. From walking from the graves to my home I’ve felt the dread return that I was certain would subside after my revelation. Perhaps I need to go about this a different way. I desire to speak with my wife but I will have Starcross in the other room to over hear us if anything should go awry. That is what will need be done.


Its not past 6 o’clock and I’ve just returned from the conversation with my wife. It did not go as I had expected. Instead of drudging up all that was said I will simply try to convey the feelings in the room.
                My wife, as I’ve stated, is usually a timid amiable woman and open to discussions with me at my leisure. Today however she was fidgety, and almost distracted from my words. I had noticed this behavior in her somewhat before as if she were constantly waiting for something to happen or for someone to arrive. But in either case nothing happened.
                The dread I felt in her presence was minimized to the point of extinction thought I can’t place the cause. If it was from the inclusion of Starcross in the other room, my early morning rejuvenation or the fact that my wife was simply not giving off that aura of malice. Perhaps it was a combination, I cannot say. Though the room did feel close. Like there was some other presence in the room. Not one of malice or benevolence, but simply a weight in the room.
                The conversation was short. Few words were uttered by my wife in refutation or response to my claims of her odd behavior. Or of how she felt in a physiological sense. She simply kept staring in odd places on the walls or out the window as if agitated. I realized that perhaps I wasn’t wrong in my initial thoughts, my wife had contracted some brain fever. I was thankful then in my foresight to call upon Dr. Starcross.
                It is settled. Tonight, once my wife is asleep, we will conduct the sleep experiment on her. I know not the details of it but I will be ready for anything. I hope it is something that can be cured. I don’t know what life I would lead if my wife and my child were both taken from me in the same year.

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