Dark Purpose - X

Part 1


Erika sped away from Greed passed out on the sidewalk and raced to get to the Union safehouse to see Victoria. She checked her watch and there was still time for her meeting. She’d have to skip the pleasantries and the apologies. This took far too long and her anxiety for Angela was through the roof. It was so unlike her sister to be late for something, and even more so for her to be in danger. If anything, she was the more capable sister. She hoped that once she dropped off the surgeon in the back, relay her findings, and get off the case she could use all resources to find her sister. The Union was good at protecting its own, and she was sure Victoria would have no qualms in helping. At least she hoped so.
                Victoria, the region’s Union Manager, seemed stingier and more partisan than other managers Erika had dealt with around the world. The Union, to its detriment in Erika’s estimation, had become too bureaucratic over the past twenty years which led to a more hierarchical top down system. While that worked in some ways, letting each member know where on the ladder they fell, it also saw a lot of poor decision making if the wrong person was in charge. For example, the Union outpost in Angola, that Erika so much referenced time and time again as the problem with the system. An undercover member, who had been a part of the region for years, noted some strange goings on, reported it and suggested that a tactical team, like what Erika and Angela represented, to investigate further. The undercover couldn’t risk being found out so their hands were tied. The manager for the region saw no cause for alarm and denied the request, which led to the slaughter of half the population of fifteen villages. Reports said that the undercover, abhorred with the system and the failure to protect the people, committed suicide after murdering the manager. A gruesome situation, and an outlier that most teams set aside but to Erika it was a stark reminder of the failings of man.
                However, with her task completed, having found the proxy for The Enigma, which would need to be investigated further by another team, she could use all her energy to find Angela.
                She pulled the car into the parking garage of the Union building, conveniently disguised from the passersby, and parked the car quickly locking it and leaving the large man she had struggled to stuff into the backseat alone. At the check in she tossed her ID onto the platform. A hand pulled it in, passed it back, then buzzed open the door.
                “Keep an eye on that car. I’ll send a security team up.” Erika said stepping into the elevator revealed behind the door. There was no response from the person working in the check in.
                Three stories down she traveled, her heart pounding in her chest. When the doors finally opened to the lobby she raced towards the security desk.
                “Send a team to the parking garage, space 35. For containment and movement of a detainee. My ID is 4558.”
                “Acknowledged.” The guard said jotting down the notes and her ID number. He leaned over picked up a phone and dialed sending a team to the car. Erika turned her attention towards the hallway that lead to Victoria’s office. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she knocked on the door.
                “Come in.”
                “Victoria, I know…” Erika’s voice caught in her throat.
                Seated across from Victoria’s desk was Angela, bandages on her wrists and face, a frail woman sat next to her in a chair.
                “Nice of you to join us.” Victoria said with a chilly tone. Erika ignored it to embrace Angela who stumbled to get out of the chair to greet her.
                “Thank god you’re alive!” Erika said holding back tears.
                “I could say the same for you! Where the hell have you been?” Angela asked.
                “Me? Why didn’t you show up!? I waited and waited…”
                “Excuse me.” Victoria cut in.
                “I’m sorry. It’s just…”
                “Take a seat.” Victoria gestured towards the third chair in the room.
                “Now, Angela was just informing me of what happened. Please proceed.”
                “Right, Erika and I split up at the hotel because we were being tailed by a detective who ID’d Erika at the hospital. We figured that if we went different ways and only one was caught we could still finish the job. The cop went after Erika, I presume since I was left alone, until I bumped into him.”
                “Him who?” Erika cut in.”
                “The Butcher.” The frail woman next to Angela squeaked.
                “What?!” Erika exclaimed.
                “Shush. Go on Angela.” Victoria snapped.
                “I was knocked out and woke up next to Misty here in some abandoned building. We fought him off, escaped, and made our way here.”
                “Now where were you?” Victoria turned to Erika.
                “I made it to the apartment of the surgeon where we planned to meet. The detective followed me. I subdued him, made my way into the apartment and found this,” Erika explained taking the journal from her bag and placing it on Victoria’s desk, “as well as a shrine in the back room. He arrived while I was in the apartment and fled on foot. I staked out his place until he returned, subdued him and transported him here. He’s currently being escorted to holding by the security team. I also…waited for Angela to arrive.”
                Erika turned to her sister.
                “I assumed the worst.”
                “Well it was close.” Angela showed her wrists wrapped in bandaging.
                “Right, so you found him then? Are you sure?” Victoria said thumbing through the journal placed on her desk.
                “It fits the notes we were given by the undercover. Interrogation will have to take it from here. But I’m sure we got our man. He’s definitely a proxy for him.
                “How can you be so sure?”
                “Well it’s common knowledge that the Enigma is attracted to men that looked like him, or we assume. Plus the markings in the shrine I found match the runes associated with the previous cases. I feel confident we have him.”
                “Good work. A little muddy there at the end, but good all the same.”
                Victoria turned to Misty and addressed her sweetly.
                “Dear, where can we send you? Where is home?”
                “She’s a sex worker Ma’am, perhaps we can set her up with something? Give her a little dignity?”
                “Would you like that? A fresh start? We can arrange that you know.” Victoria said gently to the woman.
                “No…I just want to go home. Where it’s safe. Please.”
                “Fine, I won’t make a fuss.” Victoria hit a buzzer on her desk and a tall lanky man entered the room.            “Gerald, get a car we have a transport. He will take care of you dear.” Victoria added addressing Misty.  
                “Yes ma’am. Come along.” Gerald eased the fragile woman out of her chair and out of the room.
                “Now, back to business. You say you captured the man?”
                “Yes, security should have moved him by now.”
                “Well shall we go look?”
                “Give me a couple minutes with him. I need to pay him back.” Angela said standing up.
                “You know I can’t do that, but let’s go to the integration room.”
                Erika, Angela, and Victoria made their way up one floor to the holding area. Ten cells were situated in a long row isolated from one another. Only two were being used currently. At the gate Victoria spoke to the guard and had him transport the newly acquired man to an interrogation room for observation. Erika and Angela were already behind the one way mirror when he was brought in, Victoria followed suit.
                “So Angela, is this the man?”
                “I can’t be sure by sight. It was dark as hell in that place. He was just a black mass. Seems the right size though.”
                “Who is he?” Victoria asked looking him up and down.  
                “A surgeon from the University Hospital downtown. He was discharged a few months back for misconduct.” Erika said.
                “Misconduct?” Victoria asked.
                “He was messing around with cadavers.” Angela added.  
                “Stealing parts?”
                “The report didn’t say.” Erika said moving closer to the glass. The man, Dr. Grayson Childress, was looking down at his hands.
                “Good work. With this capture your shift rotation is over. I’ll expect full reports by next week but for now you can stay here. I’ll send a team out to collect your things. What did you do with the detective?”
                “Left him passed out on the side of the road.”
                “Did you tell him about us?”
                “Only enough for him to trust me, nothing sensitive.”
                “Do you think he could be a good addition? This region is always looking for more consistent tactical members.”
                “Not sure. He seems capable but I don’t think he could wrap his head around what we do. He’s too old school.”
                “I see. Well I’ll fill you in on anything if it seems relevant. You are dismissed.” Victoria shooed them away not taking her eyes off the man in the other room.
                Erika and Angela reconvened in their old room in the building. Erika’s attention was drawn right to Angela’s wounds.
                “Are you alright? I was so worried! Don’t ever scare me like that!”
                “I’m fine worry wart. Nothing I couldn’t’ handle.”
                “Still, I was a wreck.”
                “When were you going to look for me?”
                “As soon as I caught that bastard back there. I wasn’t going to let him fall into police custody. You know they’d bumble the whole thing. I couldn’t let the whole operation go to waste.”
                “Fair enough. But it’s over now and these are just scratches. Plus I gave him a good one. Practically bit a chunk of his shoulder off.”
                “That is like you.” Erika laughed. She pulled her sister in close for an embrace where they stood for a minute.
                “It’s alright sis.”
                “I know, but it’s just you and me. No more splitting up.”
                “If we can help it.” Angela smiled at that and went to her bed.
                Erika plopped down as well. She hadn’t rested in almost thirty hours and it was catching up to her. She laid back and thought about detective Greed passed out on the sidewalk. She hoped he was okay.

“Greed! Greed! Detective Greed! Get up!”
                Greed felt someone rocking him back and forth as his eyes snapped open. He was on the sidewalk and PO Wilson was over him shouting. He pushed the PO aside. Rolling over he wretched. His head was a flame from the broken nose and the shock he felt from the woman. Getting his wits he noticed they were gone and two officers stood over his body.
                “Are you alright sir?” PO Matthews asked kneeling down to the man.
                “No, I’m not alright. That damn woman!”
                “What woman?” Wilson asked helping Greed up from the ground.
                Greed patted off his suit and adjusted his hat. He reached into his pocket for a cigarette but the tussle with the surgeon had crushed them in the package. Matthews took notice and offered him a smoke.
                “Thanks.” Greed looked around and saw that his car was missing too.
                “Detective?” Wilson had a worried look on his face.
                “That fucking bitch.”
                Greed felt his jaw click. It sent a wave of new pain cascading up his face. He turned to Wilson.
                “Bring me back to the station,” then he turned to Matthews, “secure unit 3 is this building. And get the exam team down here.”
                “Yes sir.” Matthews said entering the building.
                Greed fumed the whole way back to the station. How could he be so stupid as to trust that damn woman? He’d catch hell for sure having lost his only suspect along with whoever that woman was to the wind. He had to force himself from clenching his jaw too hard lest he unwittingly add more unwanted pain to his already distressed face.
                Storming into the office he called a meeting. All the available PO’s and detectives were sent to the board room for a briefing. Greed opened a new pack of cigarettes he pulled from his desk and smoked two before the men were settled.
                “What’s this about Greed?” Thorne piped up.
                “And what happened to your face?” Barry Goldwater, another detective asked. The men murmured to themselves.
                “I’m putting out an APB for a woman. She’s wanted for interfering in an investigation, harboring a criminal and…assaulting an officer.”
                “A woman did that to you?” Thorne said with a hint of reproach in his tone.
                “A highly skilled woman. If anyone has any doubts about me they can take it up with me in the boxing ring at the gym, but right now we have a pair of criminals we need to secure.”
                “What’s the description?” Goldwater asked.
                Greed laid out the details of the woman adding in the name of her apparent agency.
                “The Union? She’s in a union? Which one?” Goldwater mused.
                “Not a union. The Union. She doesn’t work at the steel mill or the auto plant. It’s some agency. But that’s not the point. She has the Butcher.”
                “She does!?”
                “Yes, we tracked him down to his apartment confronted him and when I went to apprehend she ambushed me.”
                “Wait a minute, you were working with this broad?” Thorne asked with a skeptical tone.
                “I had no choice at the time. I put my trust in the wrong place and it cost me. But I can’t let it cost us this case.”
                “Your case.”
                “That’s beside the point goddamnit. Now you know how these things go, we’ve got 48 hours before we lose all trace. She has my car..”
                “She stole your car too? Damn Greed, you’re having a terrible day.” Thorne laughed.
                “And you’re going to have a terrible year if you don’t shut the fuck up!” Greed snapped. The men in the room quieted down. He might be shamed for this but Greed still had his rank and he still had some level of respect that he’d hold onto for dear life. No woman would strip him of that.
                “Now get out there and find her. Like I said she has my car so if she’s riding around she’ll be easy to spot. And…wait a second. Where’s Cairn!?”
                “He left about an hour or two ago. Said he had another engagement.” One of the PO’s in the back spoke up.
                “Whatever, he’s dead weight anyhow. Have I made myself clear?”
                The men said nothing.
                “Let’s go then.” Greed said huffing. He heard a few murmurs as they shuffled out and he wished he could reprimand every one of them. He’d have to request a new car and gun from the captain and that wasn’t a conversation he was excited to have. His ego had been blasted to bits by this case and he wasn’t sure how much more he could handle. He went to the captains office and let himself in.
                “I heard the commotion, break in the case?” Captain Gary Vincent asked as Greed slid into a chair.
                “Not exactly. It’s more complicated. I’ll put it in my report.”
                “Do you need something?”
                “Yes…” Greed hesitated.
                “I need a new gun and car.”
                “What? Why?”
                “They were lost to me.”
                “Lost to you? What the hell does that mean?”
                “Things got hairy out there and I lost them. Or they were stolen.”
                “Which one was it, Greed? Lost or stolen? Either way, this isn’t like you. Have you lost your nerve? And your face? I wasn’t going to say anything but look at you. You’re a wreck. Do I need to put someone else on this case?”
                “No, I can handle it. It’s just some bad luck. I’ll make it right, I just need a new gun and a new car.”
                Captain Vincent looked Greed over and Greed never blinked. He had to show that this was a fluke and not a change in character for him. Though that was hard to sell. Before this case Greed had seen two cases go cold and the Captain wanting to give him one last chance handed this hot case to him. If he succeeded then he’d be redeemed and off the chopping block, but if he failed, he would be put on leave…indefinitely.
                “I’ll grant you a gun, but you have to team up with Thorne on this.”
                Vincent held up a hand.
                “No buts I can’t give you another car, because there aren’t any to give plus it looks like you could use the help. Where is that doctor by the way?”
                “Engaged in personal errands.” Greed said through gritted teeth.
                “Don’t take that tone with me. You know you’re on thin ice so don’t fuck this up. The mayor is riding my ass on this and I gave it to you because we’re old friends but damnit that doesn’t mean you can drop the ball and not expect consequences.” Vincent wrote a requisition out for a new firearm and handed it to Greed. He grabbed the detective’s hand and squeezed.
                “Don’t mess this up.”
                Greed left the Captain’s office, went to the armory, retrieved a new gun and went back to his desk. Thorne walked back into the room to gather a few things and stopped at Greed’s desk. The Captain emerged pulled Thorne aside then went about his own business. Thorne returned to Greed but didn’t look him in the eye.
                “Looks like you’re riding with me.”
                Greed said nothing.
                “Maybe you should take a couple days off, spend some time at home with your wife, get out of the city. I can take over from here.”
                Greed gave Thorne a fierce look. Thorne didn’t mind it.
                “Fine. I’m leaving now so if you’re coming let’s go.”
                Greed felt defeated, crushed, and winded by the events over the past two days. Thorne left the room and he waited a second to follow behind. After this case he might just turn in his resignation. There’s no way he could live this down.
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