Dark Purpose - VI

Part 1


                Greed didn’t have much to go on since the record keeping for personnel at the hospital was atrocious, they had taken down only enough information to send out pay-stubs. Two P.O. boxes and one drop box with a forwarding address to New Jersey. With no strong leads from there he used the doctor’s phone and called another local hospital to see if they had the same problem. They did. Two more calls turned up two more similar incidents. Apparently, someone was two steps ahead of him. Either someone was looking for the same things he was or they were trying to cover something up. There was no way a women was committing the murders, although he couldn’t be sure of that. There was no witnesses, no real evidence that it was a man. Except the inference that the killer would need substantial strength to transport his victims. The women he encountered wasn’t incapable, but it still seemed far-fetched. Was she helping the killer? Or something else?
                Needing to run down the other incidents Greed spent the rest of his day tracking down the woman who stole the files.  After venturing over to two hospitals and doubling down on his attempts to find some personnel files that corresponded one bit of information caught his eye. Most pay-stubs were sent to P.O. boxes, which made sense to him. You didn’t want something so valuable being sent to your house to be snatched by a petty thief. Locking that up made the most sense so when he saw that one hospital intern had her pay-stubs forwarded to a local hotel he was intrigued. It sounded strange to him, but the Chief of Staff stated that some interns were only temporary, scouting out hospitals to see if they would be a good fit. It wasn’t all that strange to him. Taking that cue and having an actual physical place to start looking he went for the hotel. It wasn’t far from the hospital he started this goose chase at and if anything, he could ask around.
                The description, that he had tired to commit to memory by repeating it over and over again as he hoofed it around town, was as follows:
                Caucasian female
                Age 20-30
                Approx. 5’5”
                Brown Hair
                Eye glasses (though that could be a disguise)
                Athletic build
                He spoke to the doorman who directed him to the concierge behind the desk. The astute looking man was apprehensive at first.
                With a smile the concierge greeted Greed.
                “Welcome to Highrise Hotel sir. I’m Francis. How can I help you?” Francis said with a curt monotone voice.
                Greed flashed his badge.
                “I just have a few questions.”
                “Detective, what service might I provide?”
                “I’m not here for a room. I’m looking for someone that I believe is at your hotel.”
                “I’m sorry sir we do have confidentially polices at this hotel, unless you have a warrant...”
                Greed cut in by leaning in close to the man and getting very quiet and stern.
                “Look son, I could get you on obstruction. I’m sure you don’t want the papers here writing a story about how the Highrise Hotel was harboring criminals, or even The Butcher without cooperating with the police. I’m sure your managers won’t like that one bit.”
                Francis shook his head furiously and apologized. Greed leaned away and resumed his previous tone.
                “Thank you for your cooperation. Now, I have a description and a paper trail. Firstly, pay-stubs from Mercy Hospital. Have you received any recently?”
                “I’ll have to check my records. Stuart,” Francis called to his companion at the front desk, “have we received any mail from Mercy Hospital?”
                “Not this week sir.”
                “Fine, I have a description.” Greed went on.
                Greed rattled off his truncated notes about the woman and waited for a response.
                “I only really see when people check in and out, a woman of that description hasn’t been to this desk in the past few days at the very least. Perhaps Bernard knows, he sees everyone. Stuart please bring Bernard over. Thank you.”
                Stuart bowed out from behind the desk and brought the elderly doorman that Greed passed on his way in. He was hunched by his eyes were fierce like a hawk.
                “Bernard this detective has a few questions. Please cooperate with him.”
                “But sir, the door.”
                “Stuart can handle that while you’re away. Now if you please detective.” Francis was commenting on the line that had started to grow behind the men and urged them with a smile and gentle hand to step away. Greed obliged and Bernard followed him slowly towards a couple chairs in the lobby. The old man sat erect not letting his back touch the seat back. A very stern old man, Greed respected that.
                “Now Bernard, I’m looking for a woman.”
                “Well this isn’t the right place for that. Try a block over, I hear the girls there are clean and always ready for some fun.” Bernard said letting a laugh ease out off his lips. Greed’s respect was shattered almost instantly.
                “This is serious sir, I hope you can understand the gravity of things happening outside. I’m looking for a criminal.”
                Bernard waved on Greed to continue stifling a laugh. Greed hated bureaucrats but he hated jokesters even more.  Letting his jaw unclench he told the old man the description. Greed could see the wheels in the old man’s head turn as he thought.
                “You know, I do recall such a woman coming towards the doors during a shift change. The other doorman, Theodore shooed her away thinking she was a working girl. I didn’t see her ever come in but she fits the description. She was a firecracker from what I saw and heard across the lobby. When I got to the door she had gone.”
                A working girl? Well that makes no sense. He must be mistaken.
                “I’m looking for an intern at a hospital, not a prostitute.”
                “I’m telling you just what I saw.”  
                Greed mulled it over then stood reaching for his bill fold.
                “Here take my card, if you see that woman again give me a ring as soon as you can.”
                “I can’t really use the phones whenever I want.”
                “I’ll talk to your boss. Don’t worry. Thank you again Bernard.”
                “My pleasure detective.” Bernard lurched as he got up. Then shuffled back towards the front door relieving Stuart.
                Greed spoke again to the concierge and withdrew from the hotel. This was his only lead and he wasn’t going to let it slip. He went back to his car and waited. The woman would have to leave eventually.

“Son of a bitch.” Erika said jumping back around the corner. She spotted the man from the filing room at the hospital in the hotel lobby.
                “What?” Angela said peeking.
                “It’s a cop. He found me.”
                “Looks like a detective. Nice suit.”
                “Don’t you get it? If he arrests us, we’ll definitely miss our deadline tomorrow.”
                “How much could he possibly know? He barely saw you.”
                “We need to go out the back. Just to be safe.”
                “I hate that alley. It smells like cat piss.”
                “Either we go through the alley or we end up in police custody. Your choice.”
                “Fine! Let’s go. We have to be quick either way. He might slip through our fingers.”
                Erika looked one more time and saw the detective walk out the hotel without a second glance. He must not have spotted her from across the lobby so they were safe for now.
                How did he find me?
                Then she remembered.
                The damn pay-stub. I can’t tell Angela, I’ll never live that down.
                She sighed and followed Angela towards the alleyway door. Her sister was right it did smell like cat piss and she even heard some of the culprits meowing around the trash bins.
                “Maybe we should split up? Meet at the guys apartment like we discussed?”
                “Split up? How come?”
                “The cop.”
                “Yeah whatever! I just think its best. If he follows one of us it’ll be easier to lose him and if only one of us gets caught at least we can still finish the objective.”
                “Always the thinker you. Fine, I’ll go east you go west, rendezvous at the target’s apartment.”
                “Do you have address?” Erika fiddled with her bag reaching for the form that had it on there.
                Angela tapped her temple with a finger.
                “All up here, I scanned the paper when you were in the shower. See you there sis.” With that Angela took off at a brisk walk, leaving Erika behind still fiddling with her bag.
                Be careful. Erika thought after Angela rounded the corner and was out of sight. The cats began to meow more and appear in larger numbers as she stood there. She’d wait a few more minutes then leave herself. No point in having them both emerge from around the hotel at the same time and be spotted. If anything, she hoped if the detective was still there, waiting, he’d follow Angela. She was faster and better suited to lose him. So better she deal with him.
                Erika looked at her watch, a minute having passed, and set our herself feeling confident she was okay. She could see cars parked on the sidewalk, saw a swell of pedestrians come her way and she melted into them. They would mask her movement at least for a block she hoped, then she’d dip and head towards the target’s apartment.
                She reached into her bag and withdrew the paper with his information on it and skimmed while she walked. The doctor was a resident at the university hospital for twelve years before a discharge for mishandling cadavers. The report didn’t state what he did or why but it simply stated, TERMINATION in large red letters stamped on the form. He wasn’t criminally charged, probably because the hospital didn’t want the police coming down on them for whatever reason. I suppose hiring and having a mentally unstable surgeon on staff for so long would look bad.
                The reason it stood out so much to Erika and Angela was the man’s resemblance to records of another prominent man on the most wanted list for the Union. The myth, the enigma, the lurker. Some of his names over the years. Not a striking resemblance, like what Erika and Angela shared but enough to warrant a second glance especially from any Union member. Plus with his record of tampering with cadavers it served to heighten their suspicions. Even if he was only an adjunct of the enigma (that was Erika’s preferred name for him) thwarting whatever plans he was cooking up would be sufficient enough.
                Enthralled in the paper, going over the finer details of the man, Erika lost her sense of awareness and ran headlong into a man on the sidewalk.
                “I’m sorry. I’m such a klutz.” Erika stammered picking up the paper and adjusting her glasses. The large man loomed over her and his face was obscured by the sun behind him.
                “Get out of the way bitch.” He pushed her aside and kept walking.
                Erika flailed from the forceful push almost falling to the pavement herself. She turned a fierce eye to him but before she could get a better look, only catching the back of his head and his broad shoulders, he was lost in the crowd. She scoffed and returned to her trek through town.
                It was getting colder and overcast as she maneuvered through city. She had been in plenty of cities around the world but this one always seemed drearier for some reason, even more so than London and it was known as the Grey Capital by the Union. The high rises here and the almost constant cloud cover floating off the lakes nearby gave the city a dream like feeling. It didn’t rain as much as London but it felt more claustrophobic. She hoped to be sent somewhere south next, if she had to stay in America, or even better to somewhere like Spain. She hadn’t been to Europe in almost two years. Being closer to home would be preferable but somewhere warmer would be just as good.
                Checking the address again, having arrived, she walked up the steps to the apartment. The call box by the door had five buzzers but only three names. She reached for the buzzer with Childress but hesitated. She couldn’t just confront the guy face to face. She had no script no reason so be there. She might have to sneak in. The idea of that made her cringe. She hated skulking around. It was bad enough she had to lie on so many forms to gain access to the hospitals and snoop around but this was someone’s home.
                No. He’s not just a someone. We can’t back down now.
                “I know.” Erika said answering her thoughts. She stepped back from the door and made her way around the building. There was a narrow pathway leading towards the back beyond a broken vanity fence. She slipped inside and tip toed towards the back patio. The building was tall and long owing to it being crammed into the street next to other likewise shaped buildings. It was cramped but at least the small patio in the back gave her some breathing room to gauge her next move. The fire escape was accessible if she climbed on a stack of metal boxes discarded in the back. She went about arranging them to get up when she heard footsteps come up the alley.
                “Hey Angela, help me with these will you?” Erika said lifting one rusted box and shoving it alongside two others. There was no response.
                “Angela?” Erika looked up and saw a gun in her face.
                “I’ve got you.”

Greed started to grow impatient, burning through four cigarettes and telling himself he was wasting his time when she stepped out from behind the hotel. A woman fitting his description minus the glasses heading east.
                “Got you.” Greed put his car in gear and started to move willing the traffic to get out of the way otherwise he’d lose her, when he caught movement in the rear-view. Another woman emerging behind him fitting the description as well but with glasses. At first, he took a double take then swiveled his head to get a better look. It was her, no doubt. Same clothes and everything. Hair up, glasses, same build. She melted into a crowd but he had her. He spun his car around and followed her. She seemed unaware to his presence, face down reading a piece of paper, no doubt a file from the hospital.
                “Where are you going little girl?” Greed said keeping a weathered eye on her. This was his only lead. No way he was going to lose it now. After she bumped into a large man on the sidewalk, getting accosted for it she doubled her pace. Greed fell back as far as he could but kept his eye on her. Eventually she crossed the street, checked the paper again and ascended some stairs. He could see her hesitate then go around towards the back.
                “Sneaky sneaky.” Greed parked his car and pursued drawing his pistol.
                Peeking around the fence he noticed she was deeper in and he started to creep down the alleyway. His footsteps echoed up towards her but instead of running he heard her speak.
                “Hey Angela, help me with these will you?”
                Greed said nothing.
                The woman looked around the corner and Greed had her in his sights; gun cocked and pointed squarely at her face.
                “I’ve got you.”
                The woman stepped back with her hands up looking from side to side.
                “What’s this about?” She stammered trying to find some exit. Greed moved in closer but kept a good distance. He couldn’t be too sure that she wouldn’t attack him.
                “You stole some files from the University Hospital. I need to know why, you’re coming with me.”
                “This can’t be happening right now. When I’m so close.”
                “Oh it’s happening. You’re coming to the station with me.” Greed flicked his gun to get her to move where he wanted but she failed to comply.
                “I need to check this man’s apartment, it’s very important.”
                “I see a burglar attempting to break and enter a private residence.”
                “Well you need your eyes checked.”
                “Don’t test me girl. I’m not against shooting you in the leg and carrying you to my car if need be.”
                “I see. Police brutality is it.”
                “Civic justice is more like it.” Greed clenched his teeth.
                “Sure, say whatever you need to sleep well at night. But I’m not leaving until I check this man’s apartment.”
                “You know what, I’ll humor you since you’re my best catch of the case. Why do you want to check this man’s apartment?” Greed let his anger subside. He was right, she was a good catch. A thief interfering in an investigation perhaps even in on the case. She could know more and an interrogation was in order. He could afford to have her start talking now.
                “It’s where the Butcher lives.”
                “What?” Greed snapped his neck towards the window.
                “Bad move.” The woman said.
                He felt a force on his chest and the wind ripped from his lungs. Stammering back he hit the wall hard striking his head. Darkness overtook him.

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