Dark Purpose - IV

Part 1


Cairn wasn’t stupid. He could read people and read them well. So he picked up on Detective Greed’s disdain almost instantly. He hoped that he could examine that man just as much as examine The Butcher but with all his engagements and running parallel to the detective he had very little time to speak with him. The most he got was a few days ago riding around with him to look at the shrine rooms discovered in the early crime scenes but even then the man was short with his words if he even graced the air around him with a sound. Cairn was resigned to study him from afar, pick apart his nuances with ideas instead of facts. It frustrated him to no end but that was part of the intrigue. Fighting to learn what was being covered.
                The path of discovery he had been placed by Greed was one he wasn’t suited for however. Being sent to a brothel to talk to the working girls felt so far beneath him he cringed at the thought. He never sought the warmth of a women, a waste of time in his estimation, so the prospect of having to converse with one confounded him. What would they know? Aside from their way around a man’s sex parts, they wouldn’t have much to tell him. But for the “report” he was meant to give he should at least pop in.
                The path leading towards the house, with directions he acquired from Officer Wilson, weaved and ducked behind large buildings. It wasn’t difficult to find per se but it was a ways off the beaten path and it took him a few minutes, knocking on the wrong doors, to finally find the entrance. A sign with a woman draped  in silk winking, sitting in a martini glass greeted him first then the sound of sweet nothings lilting out the doorway entered his ears. In an instant he was swarmed by three women urging him to come in. They looked him up and down ascertaining his wealth from his demeanor. Cairn wasn’t a wealthy man but he wasn’t poor either. He dressed well enough, and that showed the women pawing him gingerly that he had something to offer them, and they would oblige with something in return.
                Before any transactions could be made he was carted towards a window on the wall, a middle aged man sitting beyond. He was flipping through wades of cash. His hair slicked back, cigarette in his mouth.
                “What option?” the man asked blowing smoke.
                “I’m sorry.” Cairn asked.
                The man looked up. His right eye was milky white, destroyed from some fight Cairn assumed. He flicked his head towards the wall. Next to the window was a list of “options” for patrons to choose from. Ranging from one girl for a period of time, to a number of girls for longer periods. Cairn skimmed it then turned back to the window. He might as well attempt to talk to one of the women in private.
                “Option one.”
                “Which girl?”
                The girls around him flashed their eyes and pawed at him. One had red hair and reminded him of his mother. That made him flinch. Another was dark haired and stout. The last was rail thin and blonde. She had the best look about her.
                “This one.” Cairn said pointing with his thumb. She was standing behind him her hands tugging at his shirt.
                “Misty, good choice. $75.”
                Cairn fished the cash out of his billfold and passed it through the window.
                “Have fun.” The man didn’t share an expression of joy to match his words. it was a simple transaction. Money for flesh.
                The woman, Misty, pulled Cairn away from the other two women who resumed their perch at the front door waiting for other customers to arrive. The air was close the farther they moved away from the alley. The smell and sounds of sex filled Cairn’s senses as they made it to the room. It sounded like at least two others shared the building with him in their deeds. Cairn didn’t plan to exact that same endeavor, planning on only asking a few questions and leaving.
                Misty sat him down on the worn bed and locked the door behind them. She started to dance a little and untie a knot on her shoulder holding her thin blouse on over her bosom. Cairn felt sweat start to form on his forehead. The room was indeed hotter than the outside but he wasn’t certain that was the cause of the perspiration. Being alone in a room with a scantly clad and quickly undressing woman made him uneasy. But he had to keep his wits about himself. He had a task and the quicker he asked his questions and left the quicker he could get back to feeling okay.
                “Get relaxed honey, I won’t bite, unless you like that sort of thing. It’s in my repertoire. Though I know some men don’t like that sort of thing. I’ll do whatever you want, save a few things. What do you fancy?” Misty said playing with the straps of her blouse letting her nipples be exposed for brief moments before covering up again. Attempting to tease Cairn, or so he assumed. Cairn made no move to take her or undress himself. She didn’t seem to mind it but she moved closer to touch his face and move in for a kiss.
                Cairn turned his face away.
                “No kissing. Got it.” Misty said without a fuss and started to touch Cairn’s chest. Cairn feeling more and more flustered grabbed Misty’s hands and stood up.
                “I didn’t come here for this, please sit down. This will be quick.”
                “What do you mean, this’ll be quick?” Misty had a hint of fear in her voice. Cairn turned to comfort her.
                “I don’t mean to frighten. I’m just not accustomed…I’ve never…”
                “Never been with a women?”
                “Yes, but I didn’t come here to fulfill that. I simply need to ask a few questions.”
                “You’re a cop!” Misty said standing. Her blouse fell fully now exposing her breasts to Cairn. He felt his heart skip a beat but not from lust, from fear.
                “No, please cover up.” Cairn said looking away. Through his fingers he saw her wrap the blouse and retie the straps that held it up. She sat down with a thud on the bed.
                “If you’re not a cop then what? Writing a paper? Looking to open your own place and want to ask the girls our methods? What then?”
                “Have you heard of The Butcher?”
                Misty gasped and jerked farther away as if by reflex to hearing the name.
                “Who hasn’t!? He’s killing girls all over town. Girls like me. Of course I’ve heard of him.”
                “Have you seen any strange characters come around here recently?”
                “Other than you!”
                “I’m not here for…please just answer the question. Anyone not familiar?”
                “It’s not like we keep a record of who comes and goes. It’s very discreet you know. Some men do come again every couple weeks. But they aren’t the violent ones. Those guys get thrown out and barred. Usually the ones who come back are sweeter, attempt to woo us and sweep us away with them. No one that’s like a killer comes here.”
                “Well perhaps he doesn’t come off that way until he gets one girl out. Do any of you leave with clients? Do house calls as it were?”
                “Alfons doesn’t much do loans unless the guy pays really, really well. It hurts business if we’re gone for too long or for whatever reason attempt to leave. One girl a few years ago was loaned out and never came back. Alfons took it out on us, now we are very much against it.”
                “But loaning does still happen?”
                “Very rarely. Like I said the money has to be good. To cover a few days worth of business. It’s a secret option. The types of guys who would want a loan out from here though would more than likely spend their money elsewhere. I’m not dumb, I know I’m not beautiful but I can get the job done. That’s all that matters really in this line of work. But the men with the money, from what I’ve witnessed want something younger and prettier to look at.”
                “I see. I didn’t mean to offend you I’m just…”
                “No honey, I’m not offended. I understand. I’ve seen plenty of types. Your type is rare in a place like this but you all do come around every once and awhile. Why are you asking about the Butcher though? If you’re not a cop.”
                “I’m working with the police and my partner as it were felt it best to ask around the working girls to see if they noticed any particular men around that seemed suspicious. So this was my first stop.”
                “How many have died? I only heard about one a month ago.”
                “I don’t know if I should say.”
                “Well that tells me its much more than one.”
                “Ahh the power of inference.”
                “Just because I sell my body doesn’t mean I sold my brain off too. It’s still up there and working just fine.”
                “So you think this Butcher has been here? Or that he might come here?”
                “It’s possible. Perhaps he’s even come here already. We don’t have much to go on. Except that he seems to be intelligent, perhaps a doctor.”
                “Well that kind of man might not want to come down here, like I’ve already said.”
                “Best to keep yourselves safe though, as much as you can.” Cairn moved towards the door. There was nothing left for him to say and was ready to leave.
                “Wait, are you sure there isn’t anything I can do for you? You still have me for the hour.”
                “No, I must insist, I don’t want your…services. I must adamantly decline.” With that Cairn unlocked the door and exited to the hall. He heard Misty get up and follow behind him.
                “If you ever change your mind, I’ll give you something special. I like something about you.” Misty winked and took her place along side her compatriots at the front of the hallway. Cairn nodded towards Alfons at the window and exited to the alleyway. He took a deep breath, free of the stifling air of the sex house. He had finished his first task but felt unwilling to enter another such establishment too readily if only for his own sensibilities. He’d retire to his apartment, given by the mayor during his stay on the northside, to gather his wits and try again later.
                He looked at his watched noted the time, remembering that he also had another engagement at the local radio station for an interview about his third book. He wasn’t sure what was more demanding currently. The search for the murderer or his constant radio and television appearances. He straightened his jacket and headed to the street for a taxi. He had much to decompress before he returned to the center of town.

Greed feeling elated that he finally got Cairn off of his back for a short period of time pulled up to the General Hospital to head up on his hunch. A disillusioned doctor, or surgical staff. Made perfect sense to him.
                Inside the busy building he saw all types bidding their time to see a physician. A child with a bruised knee and scrapped chin. An old man grasping loosely his wife’s wrinkled hand. A black lady with her three children, stifling a cough. Greed hadn’t needed a doctor for god knows how long but the hospital wasn’t a rare sight. He was there only last week ID’ing a body from one of the crime scenes. She had seemed too young to be tied up in all this, but evil didn’t know age. It only knew it’s lust for blood.
                “Hey Greed, What can I do you for?” Henrietta, the head nurse at the reception desk, gave him a look up and down as he strolled in. She was an older lady, resembling his mother, she was gentle and spoke softly. The perfect woman you’d want at your bedside comforting you.
                “Gotta check on some records. Who do I need to talk to, to access some personnel files?”
                “Personnel files? What for?”
                “A case I’m running. Working a lead. Standard stuff.”
                “It’s not that butcher is it?”
                “As a matter of fact, yes. But we shouldn’t discuss this here. Now about those files?”
                “Right.” Henrietta thumbed through a rolodex of paper files with numbers printed on them. She found which one she needed and picked up the phone to her left, dialed it, then spoke.
                “Yes, this is the reception desk. I’ve got a Detective Greed here, looking to check out some personnel files. Should I send him to you? Oh, okay. I’ll let him know,” Henrietta hung up the phone and directed her attention back to Greed, “Dr. Thomas will be right down. He’s the chief of staff. He should have what you need.”
                “Thank you Ma’am.” Greed tipped his hat and withdrew a cigarette. Henrietta cleared her throat and pointed to a little sign that said NO SMOKING and gestured him to step outside. He obliged.
                Out on the street he could once again hear the hustle and bustle of the city around him. He hadn’t noticed how quiet it had become but the hospital, despite its undoubted plentiful emergencies or anguished patrons was quiet as a library compared to the street. Ideas were filling up his head as he waited. Prospects of finding a name in a ledger pointing him in the direction of a disillusioned surgeon getting his rocks off from losing his pension. Some sick fuck who thought too highly of themselves to even engage in normal conversations with a woman let alone know how to treat one decently.
                Greed clenched his teeth again. He had to decompress or else he’d likely dislocate his jaw again. Nasty habit, a remnant from his boxing days. Or better described as “day”. Only one match. Knocked out cold with a broken jaw. It was never the same since.
                A hand on his shoulder made him tense up but the words of greetings calmed him.
                “Hello Detective, I’m Dr. Thomas, Chief of Staff. One of my nurses said you needed to check on some files?” Dr. Thomas shook Greed’s hand and motioned for him to follow him back into the lobby. The old man and woman were gone, but the woman with her three kids were still waiting. She stifled another cough as she tried to wrangle her rambunctious children; she was failing miserably in the endeavor.
                “Yes Doctor, I’ve got a lead I’d like to follow up on.”
                “Oh? For the but…”
                Greed shushed him as they entered a crowded hall of nurse staff and orderlies going about their business. No use in dropping that name here amongst the crowd. Greed urged him on towards his office. They entered and the Doctor sat at his desk, Greed stood.
                “Yes, about that cause. I want to check your employee resignation and ejection notices. Pink slips, write ups, the lot. Do you have such records?” Greed asked looking about the man’s office. It was decorated with the standard fair. Awards, certificates, and family photos.
                “I see. We do house that information. In our storage rooms downstairs. I’ll show you to them.”
                “Thank you doctor, but before I get started, have there been any peculiar firings, layoffs, or abandonments under you these past six months?”
                “I’d have to think. Frankly, being a university hospital we see a lot of staff come and go, students and interns and the like. The few doctors I know personally have worked with me for years and wouldn’t leave until their retirement kicked in, and even then I’m not sure they’d ever give up the profession. Working men to their bones. But if I do think of something, I’ll be sure to let you know.” Thomas stood and lead Greed to the storage room for the files. It was large and poorly lit, owing to the large filing cabinets stored within, but thankfully there was a young woman working the files, hopefully she could be of some use.
                “If you need me for anything, give the main line a ring, dial 5 and the operator can direct you to me. I’ll be back to check on you within the hour if it suits you.”
                “Thank you doctor. I hope this isn’t any inconvenience to you.”
                “Not at all, we as much as you want that fiend off the streets. Good hunting.”  Thomas smiled and pat Greed on the shoulder again. The amiability of the man was lost on Greed who shrugged off the gesture and felt his teeth start to clench. He relaxed and set about his task. There were far too many files for him to sift through. The woman would most assuredly be of help. However when he looked up she was nowhere to be found.
                “Damnit, Miss? Miss? I need some help in here. I’m a detective with the city police. I’m looking for a few files. I was hoping you could…” Greed moved around the cabinets going deeper and deeper into the room he heard a rustling and a door slam. Through a door window he could see the woman stuffing files into a bag and throwing them out a window. He stepped forward almost tripping on something on the floor. A man was sprawled out with a head wound breathing heavily. Greed looked up again, locking eyes with the young woman as she flung herself out the window.
                “Sonofabitch!” Greed growled as he burst through the door gun drawn. He ducked his head out the window and spied the woman sprint down the alley towards the main road and turn due east. Greed with all haste stormed out the storage room, down the hall, bobbing and weaving through the mass of staff and patients, past the reception, and into the street himself. Getting his bearings, he bolted east down the street towards the alley junction. He was far too late, and all trace of the woman was gone.

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