The Portal - XVI

Part 1

“I wish to be lost among the stars, encapsulated by dreams and the cold embrace of icy tendrils extending ever far from the dark places in the universe.”
                “You will have this and more if you help me.”
                “Help you how? What must I do?”
                “Take the blood of your blood and slack my thirst with it.”

“Why have you abandoned me? Where are you? Where is my power?”
                “I am here.”
                “Where have you been? I killed my sister, I drank of her blood. Now I am locked in this prison. You have been silent for months. I felt I was insane. Why did you leave me?”
                “Do you still seek power?”
                “Yes, above all else.”
                “Then you will follow my word as you did before.”
                “What will you have me do?”
                “Save the Pale King.”

“We have escaped but this other, this doctor, will he now thwart out plans?”
                “No, for he doesn’t know what we know. We are the ones in control.”
                ”But these other’s? What does he mean?”
                “They are me, and they are not me. I am in pieces. A part of a whole.”
                “What must I do? Collect these pieces?”
                “No, we will let him collect them for us.”
                “And then?”
                “Then we will strike.”
“You have hidden well. They know not that you are with me.”
                “I am the smartest of my shards. The wisest of my pieces. I am in control of their fate. And yours.”
                “All I want is the power you will grant me. Nothing else.”
                “And you will have it. Now, wait for the ritual to begin then take your chance.

Not so fast doctor.
                “Now, strike, kill the doctor, cancel the ritual and claim your prize.”
                “No, I know what you plan to do. You plan to take the power with you and run.”
                “What? What are you saying?”
                “I will finish this on my own and claim your power without you.”
                ”No, servant! No! You can’t! No!”

Reginald grasped the blade from Matthew’s hand and slit the man’s throat. With wide eyes the man fell clutching his life blood as it spilled to the floor. Reginald then turned his attention to the man he savagely beat not minute before and saw the scrap of paper in his hand. Taking it he read the words quickly. Altering the ritual he turned the blade upon James who was still frozen in time watching all this unfold before him.
                “We will create a portal with a soul and restrain that energy to form something new you and I. I knew there was something special about you about your resilience against the creature. The same resilience I have even now. We will become greater than anything that has ever lived. Three souls, joined as one.”
                Reginald spoke the words on the page, and drove the blade into James heart. The shockwave of power pushed all things from them against the wall. At the apex stood Reginald, blade embedded into the chest of the man before him. A light began to form at that center, a fire grew in his chest. He felt his pulse quicken as the portal began to form from within them both. Reginald felt the shadow entity burn away as the portal was formed to carry him beyond to the stars. The world opened up to him and all of space and time bent to his will. His flesh became that of glass and his soul pierced the room with its intensity. James withered to nothing as he was consumed by Reginald. The little boy, hiding in the dark, was shut away behind closed doors to never see the light again.

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