The Portal - Epilogue

Part 1

Without a sound, perceptible to humans at least, Reginald and James ceased to exist in this plane. The air in the room settled as all things grew quiet. A siren could be heard in the distance.  Thomas, aching and wishing he had not returned to consciousness, heard as voices grew nearer to him. A man broke down the door to the study and found the bodies strewn about. Thomas was whisked away to be treated for his wounds and would eventually come to fully a week later. He would be asked by multiple people what had occurred in that room that night he was found. Who were the girls, who was the man whose throat was slit? Were there others? Who had beaten him? Who was he? Yet he had no answers. A part of him, unbeknownst to him was sucked out while he was gone to sleep. The dream he had last while fighting to stay away from the pain, illustrated to him all that he knew or would ever know for the rest of his life, that sadly would end six months after the encounter.
                In the dream, being restored to his normal self, he saw across the very room he was left unconscious a rip in the fabric of space and time. He didn’t know that’s what it was but felt drawn to it all the same. The world he inhabited was grey and cold but the world beyond the tear was vibrant and warm. He touched the edges and felt a calling. Like his mother calling him to dinner or his friend calling him to play a game. A warmth permeated his soul as he pushed through the portal. He was whisked away from his body and fell into the abyss of dimensions between dimensions. This did not hurt him for he felt a warmth cascade over his body like wading into a hot spring. His form began to dissolve in the warmth and he felt at peace. No more pain, no more worry, no more existence. And that was alright with Thomas. He had done what he set out to do, whether it was a success or a failure he didn’t know or didn’t care. He was at peace in the void. He closed his eyes as the warmth reached his face. There was peace, there was comfort. He had survived the atrocities of life and escaped the suffering. Now he could rest. For there was nothing left to do.
