The Portal - VI

Part 1

Matilda King was a curious child. She spent most of her days, when not in study at the schoolhouse, prancing around the streets of London; venturing down alleyways where most men would not venture for fear of the dark and speaking to stray cats and dogs that came across her path. Her only friend, since making friends with such peculiar choices for fun was difficult if not impossible, Emily Darrows, accompanied her on these adventures once the final bell rang and they were released for home. They both lived two blocks east, and one block north of their school and walked home together every day, chatting about the schoolwork, Mrs. Hudson and her terrible temper, and more excitingly about magic and the things most people feared.
                Matilda first approached Emily to be friends six months prior around the third week of the new school year. Emily was playing alone, as she usually did owing to her peculiarities of playing with bugs or other things unsuited for girls attention, when Matilda asked her to play a game with the other children. Matilda was always a pure soul and wanted others to join in when left out and extended an olive branch of friendship to Emily. Emily, in her want or need to stay solitary, brushed her off but in the exchange she mentioned something that caught Matilda’s ear. A mention of magic and spells. Emily was making small figures in the ground on the schoolyard, shapes and notations that looked similar to the mathematics they were learning but not anything Matilda had seen.  
                Since that encounter Matilda let herself be whisked away by Emily as they ventured to and fro the dirty streets of London in search of ghosts and witches and other magical things. Matilda was never scared like the other children were when they talked about Emily. They would say she was off in the head, a bit mad, or downright evil, as one girl, a Heather Jesters, mentioned one day after history lessons. Matilda always brushed these things off and defended her friend not giving into the peculiarities as the others did but seeing them as what they were, special. Emily Darrows was special to Matilda and nothing slightly off or eerie would dissuade her from friendship.
                So, when Emily lead them to an abandoned asylum in East London, three blocks east of their school, she wasn’t afraid or worried of what might happen. They had been down many dark alleys, talked to many stray animals, and even some stray people in their time together. Each time Matilda grew less and less timid with each encounter and more sure that Emily would in fact protect them both should anything happen. Emily showed signs of using magic when they were alone. Lights would flicker in her presence when she concentrated, sometimes her eyes would change colors from their normal blue to black or red. Sometimes even it seemed like she could actually speak with the animals and hear what they say. Matilda of course only ever hear meows or barks when approaching an animal, but Emily seemed to actually commune with them. While she knew this would only frighten her old friends these instances only tugged harder at her curiosity and her desire to be able to do the same.
                After expressing this wish to do the same to Emily while eating their food, Emily nodded and said:
                “I’ll take you to a place where you can be like me.”
                And with that Matilda agreed and after school they found themselves three blocks east and one block south. Matilda was always good with keeping track of the streets and new exactly where she was at all times. Before she started going to school her father and mother insisted she understand the layout of London before venturing out alone. She usually had a companion, before being her friend Cecilia, now Emily, so she was never really afraid of walking to the streets but having that knowledge of knowing London like the back of her hand came in handy especially on foggy days like today.
                As they approached the building Matilda felt her first tinge of fear while with Emily. Every other time they were together there was a persistent feeling in her chest, but it felt more like longing than fear. A desire to be like her best friend, special, magical, different, unique. Now as she stood at the steps of the old asylum masked by fog and seeing the silhouette of her fearless friend venture inside she felt…afraid. She had to push it aside, she thought, if she was to be like Emily. Special like Emily. With a deep breath she stepped inside.
                The halls were covered in dust and old forgotten tools from a bygone era. No one it seemed, perhaps beyond squatters, had stepped inside these halls. No one save Emily. As they walked Emily started to speak more than she usually did. Matilda was always the one to speak more to Emily when they were together since Emily was more content to talk with the animals or stay silent. Now that they were here she couldn’t stop. And somethings didn’t make sense.
                “It’s been years since I’ve seen these walls.”
                Years? Matilda thought, but you’re only eight, like me.
                “To think part of me is still here somewhere, while I was stuck in a room across town.”
                “What do you mean?” Matilda asked stepping over old moldy bits of clothing. The farther in they ventured the stronger the smell of decay became, she had to shield her nose with her blouse, her voice came out muffled.
                “All those nights I spent asking for this vessel, all the rejections. All I needed was a way to get home. Is that so much to ask? I mean no harm, no part of me means harm, I swear it.”
                To Matilda it seemed less that Emily was talking to her but was actually talking to herself or someone else entirely. Her tone especially made no sense as if she wasn’t actually an eight-year-old girl but a much older person. Perhaps, Matilda thought, that was the price for magic, it made you older in the mind, but you kept your youth. Oh, to be eight forever, to play forever, to have forever, now that enticed Matilda greatly.
                Sensing the shift in mood from fear to excitement Emily spun to look into Matilda’s eyes. Once again Emily’s pupils were changed from blue to red and a smile crept across her face.
                “You wish to be like me you said? Have the powers I wield?”
                Matilda nodded.
                “Are you sure? There can be no hesitations.”
                “I’m sure. I want to be young forever.”
                Emily nodded and pointed down the hall towards a half open door.
                “In there you will find your prize, when the voice speaks, you must accept. Then you will be like me.”
                Matilda felt her skin grow goosepimples as the simplicity of the task was revealed. All she had to do was say yes? That was as simple as breathing. She ran forward into the room beyond the broken door and waited. Emily wasn’t with her but she didn’t feel afraid. The room was cold and dark and covered in a layer of dust. In the corner she saw a shadow and it shimmered like a flapping black flag in a dull wind. She took a step back but renewed her resolve and planted her feet.
                “I accept.” She said into the dark room. Nothing happened.
                She closed her eyes and spoke again.
                “I accept!” she waited a second.
                “Are you sure?” She heard a voice in her head, a grating deep voice that didn’t sound human but had the same tone as Emily. Before she could say another word she opened her eyes and saw the shimmering shadow floating a before her. In the sea of black there were two red dots bobbing up and down, staring at her. She simply nodded and the shadow flickered. In an instant Matilda felt the shadow swim around her like a shark about a school of fish. Then she felt a pit deep in her stomach open up as the shadow touched her skin. The feeling of dread and fear and sickness exploded inside her as the shadow entered her body. In the split second before losing all light from the outside world she felt a regret and a realization. There was no magic to be had for her. She felt herself starting to fall as if in a dream and knew she would not see the light of day again.  A deep chasm ripped open inside of her as the shadow took her place behind her eyes. She kept falling and falling farther and farther away from the light that was her eyes until it all began to fade. She wasn’t strong enough to coexist with this creature, she could feel it in her soul, her soul that was fading away losing its own light. Losing grasp of existence. Losing…
                When Matilda King woke her eyes were no longer brown but a deep shade of red. She sat up and brushed the dust off her clothes. Emily Darrows was there to greet her but Matilda knew that it wasn’t Emily behind those eyes. Both of them were pieces of the same whole occupying different vessels. Emily grabbed Matilda by the hand and led her towards the door.
                “We’re going home now. We will all be together soon.”

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