The Mountain - XVI


                “I have to send a report of this to the other districts.” Victoria said as Cairn’s laugh filled the interrogation room. Erika and other others searched the room where they found him but the book was nowhere to be found. A police office was sent to the doctors home to search for it there but no report had come back yet. As of now the book as well as The Enigma, were in the wind.
                “What do we do?” Angela asked.
                “Put everyone on code Yellow. Until he crops up again there isn’t much we can do.” Victoria left the observation room. Vincent shook his head and looked at Greed.
                “I can’t believe it was him this whole time. You look like shit.”
                “I feel like shit.”
                “What was that woman talking about? Code what?”
                “I don’t know. Fed jargon. We caught the bastard though. But Thorne…”
                “I still have to let his father know. What the hell was he doing with him? He was supposed to be…”
                “Tailing me?”
                Vincent shot Greed an alarmed look then simply nodded.
                “I know. I don’t blame you, if the places were reversed I would have done the same thing.”
                “You did a helluva job out there Greed. Once you heal up we can talk about a promotion.”
                “I told you I’m resigning.”
                “What? I thought that was a ploy.”
                “I was serious.”
                “Greed.” Erika spoke up but he put a hand up to hush her.
                “I’m resigning.” With that Greed left the room too. In the hall he was met by the doctor that was called to the precinct.
                “We need to go too.” Angela said to Erika. Vincent looked them up and down but didn’t say a word. He left the room behind Greed. Now they were alone.
                “We failed sis. I failed.” Erika lamented.
                “We’re still alive, that’s all that matters. We can fight another day.”
                “A losing battle.” Erika left the room without another word.
                Angela looked on as Cairn was taken from the room and led away. All the pain and death perpetrated for such a cause.
                “We can’t lose.” Angela said before leaving the room.

                “Alright, I understand. Yes sir.” Tatiana placed the received down on the base and rubbed her eyes.
                Lana sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast prepared for her by Theo, ready to pick up and go. She awoke that morning to Hank pawing at her face. Theo had trekked back to Boston retrieved her and brought her to Lana in the night. She was relieved to see the furball who was currently eating her own meal by Lana’s feet.
                “What was that?” Lana asked.
                “Theo?” Tatiana called out.
                Theo entered the room.
                “We’re at a code Yellow.” Tatiana sat down at the table.
                “You can’t be serious.” Theo said breaking his almost constant mellow demeanor.
                “What’s a cold yellow?” Lana asked.
                “Looks like we have to postpone your relocation.” Theo said disregarding the question.
                “We have to reconvene at HQ for the game plan.” Tatiana said.
                “What’s a code yellow?” Lana repeated.
                “It means we have a serious shit storm headed our way.” Theo lamented.
                “Details to be dispensed once we arrive. We should leave soon.” Tatiana added.
                “What about me?” Lana asked.
                “You’re coming with us. Since you’re a target and we don’t have the time to adequately relocate you you’ll be safest at HQ.”
                “Yes, now finish your breakfast. We’re leaving soon.” Tatiana got up and left the room. Theo waited a second then followed behind her.
                Hank jumped up into Lana’s lap and purred.
                “I don’t know what we’ve stumbled into but I’m glad you’re here with me Hank.”
                Hank meowed.
                “You can say that again.” Lana finished her meal and got ready to leave.

                Misty was discharged from the hospital two days after being admitted. But the nightmares didn’t leave her when she closed her eyes. In the dark, when all the sound went away, she found herself back in that little room with he rats and the decaying flesh. She didn’t know how she got back to Alfons’ but he was upset and elated to have her back. She was still sick and tired but he was happy to see her, like she was a lost puppy that found her way home.
                “My god! We all assumed the worst! Come, come sit down, lay down if you need to.” Alfons said leading her back to her room. The other girls commented on her absence and the state of her being asking her if she was okay, but he shooed them away.
                “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Don’t let anyone hurt me again, please.” Misty said collapsing on the bed weak and tired. Alfons sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders to calm her.
                “I promise. I’ll protect you. I’ll even let you have the next two days off okay?”
                Misty looked up at him and nodded placidly.
                “Good. You’re home now. Rest, get your strength back, I’ll be out there if you need me for anything.” Alfons kissed her on the head and left the room. She felt a comfort being back in her old room, her safe haven, with Alfons standing guard she felt safe once again though she felt deep down it was a shaky safety. She laid down to sleep hoping that the nightmares would leave her be. She drifted off quietly to sleep after a few minutes.
                Misty opened her eyes and saw an expansive landscape of blues and grays stretching out in all directions. Around her were shadows dancing and flowing moving as if people on the sidewalk huddled in masses going about their business but they all seemed to be staring at her. She felt vibrations through the ground moving up her legs and shaking her body, then she heard a voice. It was distant and it echoed.
                “You didn’t think you’d get away did you?” the voice said echoing in her ears.
                Misty turned to run but she found herself face to face with a woman. She was slightly taller but tilted slightly like her legs were different lengths. Her arms were gangly too, a mismatch. The whole image caused her to gasp with fear. Her eyes grew wider and wider as the hair swayed over the face. One hand brushed it aside and she saw what lay underneath. A broken jaw, hanging loosely, and holes where the eyes should be. From deep within the darkness of the holes she saw a light. A red light growing as if it were crawling out from somewhere deep in the skull. Misty felt her skin crawl as the light grew. She cried out and tossed and turned.
                She awoke in her bed a cold sweat on her skin surrounded by darkness and her sheets. She put her hand to her chest to feel her heart beating ferociously. It pounded and she was short of breath. Misty gasped for air willing herself to calm down. Her eyes scanned the room but found no one. She was alone. She laid back in her bed and closed her eyes once again her breath finally getting under control.
                “It was just a nightmare.” she whispered, putting her hand on her face to cover her eyes and shed a few tears.
                That’s when she felt it. A breeze as if someone was breathing not inches from her face. She didn’t want to move her hand but she was compelled to. Above her she felt the movement of air then she saw it, two dots of red light.
                “I’m not a nightmare.” The voice said as the woman from her dream descended from the shadows above her bed.
                Before Misty could scream she was gone. The sheets shifted as the space that was occupied by her body went empty. The sheets settled and all trace of Misty was gone.

