Dark Purpose - XII

Part 1


Misty felt paranoid ever since her run in with the Butcher a few nights ago. She was safely returned to Alfons and subsequently her little back room but the fears persisted. Seeing how distraught and frazzled she was Alfons was kind enough to take her off rotation for at least a few days to get back to normal. And even though the Butcher was caught, she saw him in his cell, one bit of solace they showed her before carting her along, she still felt that all the shadows in her room were going to come out to get her. She’d lay down for sleep only to awake in a cold sweat panting and crying out for help. One night, the room next to her being occupied by a patron, she heard a loud booming call for her to shut up because “you’re making me soft in here”. Alfons didn’t want to scold her but he needed a sense of calm in his ‘house’ lest all the other girls be affected and all their business dry up.
                To combat this Alfons gave Misty exclusive access to his upstairs apartment. He spent very little time there, manning his glass window almost constantly counting his money downstairs, so she would be left in peace to work on her health. She was immensely grateful but her fears of being left out on the street if she couldn’t get herself together was compounding with the looming anxiety of being snatched up again in the dark.
                Misty spent the hours pacing, nibbling on the little morsels in Alfons’ fridge he shared with her, and staring out the window. It was tinted, like all the other windows on the building so freeloaders couldn’t get a peak for free but let in enough light and gave a good enough view outside that Misty could, if she desired to, spy on the alley below. The buildings were so packed together that she didn’t understand why the buildings even had windows in the first place. She assumed maybe when the street wasn’t so packed, before the other buildings were built, it was a little less cramped and the windows served a better purpose. Now, if they weren’t broken, they were boarded up or plastered over. Having an eye on the world outside, no matter how small and dirty, still gave her a bit of comfort. It felt like she could keep guard on the world, something she couldn’t do from the back room that she made her home. Every time she heard footsteps outside she crept over to the window and spied out the small hole she scrapped away. If one were to look up they might not be able to see her lone eye peering down at them but she could see up and down the alley with ease.
                Some patrons that she saw were regulars, something she had mentioned to that doctor a few days ago. She knew they had come for her, she wondered what Alfons would say to them. Only one seemed upset enough to leave straight away, the others stayed with someone else. That hurt a little, as much as rejection from a sex client can bring. Though as the years went on, as her pride in her job was built, and the disgust she used to have withered, she realized that she had control in that little room. She wasn’t the little girl that was used and abused and thrown aside. She was a woman who had the man tightly in her hand, coming back again and again. But having them move over one bed made her blood ran cold. She never thought she was a jealous person but the icy sting of it plagued her now.
                Resolving to drain herself of that feeling, letting it eclipse her fear, she returned downstairs after only two days of rest. Alfons and the other girls were glad to see she was in better spirits. And she was glad to be back among them taking her place back in her haven. After all the killer was caught, she saw it with her own eyes, there was nothing left to fear. So when Alfons came back to her room and said there was a special offer her interest was piqued.
                “Looks like one of your regulars, who left in a huff the other day has come back and finding out that you’re back he wants to take you out.”
                “A loan? Really? Who is it?”
                “Says his name is Dave. Middle aged fella, slight bald spot.”
                Dave was a regular but he never had the money to ever loan her out. He was one of the gentle ones but he was also one of the more broken ones. The type that wants to be coddled more than sexed up. She was glad for him. Made her feel a bit like a mother, holding him gingerly as he lay quietly with her for the two hours he usually paid for. Probably why he refused to switch beds the other day when she saw him leave. He came for something specific that the other girls couldn’t give. And if by some means he pulled together the money for a loan then she would oblige him.
                “I know him well.”
                “Are you sure you’re ready for this? I didn’t send him off but he has the cash. It would make up for the past few days.”
                “I’m sure. It’s alright Alfons.”
                “Alright Misty. Get set to leave, I’ll be back to collect you in a minute.” Alfons said closing her door softly.
                Misty smiled and felt a flush in her face as she packed. She was so thankful that the first customer she had was Dave. Easing her way back into her life would be made even easier with him. Despite his obvious emotional flaws and immaturities, he was a few years older than Misty but acted like a child in her arms, he was sweet and comforting in a way. Having a man be vulnerable with her and not attempt to impress her, despite paying for sex like the others did, made her heart warm. She had been denied a child years ago but feeling needed and being able to give comfort in more ways than just through her vagina made her feel all that more human.
                Alfons returned to her room and collected her. She had a small bag with a few changes of underwear and another blouse. Dave stood at the window with his cash in hand looking a little frazzled himself but she knew it was due to his emotional tick. He was a very shy man and having to stand for so long waiting must have put him through his paces but he cracked a quick smile at the sight of her. She felt flushed again, though now her cheeks were covered in makeup, she felt it shined through. A small part of her felt like she was being picked up for a date on a Saturday night, something she knew from her teenage years, and her heart skipped a beat.
                In the window, Alfons took his seat, counted Dave’s money and gave him one last order.
                “Back in twenty four hours, so that means this time tomorrow. If you don’t return her I will send someone to collect you and her. Do you hear me?”
                Dave said nothing. He simply nodded keeping his eyes on Misty. He took her by the hand and led her out into the street. His grip was tight but he loosened once they got away from the alley towards the street. He spoke up once people were around them.
                “What have I told you dear? Don’t go wondering down these side streets. It’s dangerous down there.”
                Misty understood in an instant. The passersby made no motion to engage them but putting up a façade that he wasn’t walking out of a brothel with a loaned out girl made sense. Misty wrapped her arm around Dave’s to play along.
                “Sorry dear, you know me, always wandering off.” Misty smiled and laid her head on his shoulder as she wrapped her arm around his. She felt so young and giddy knowing that all her cares were gone in the world. And having the sweetest man she knew taking her out into the world made her feel beautiful. She knew it wouldn’t last but she planned on taking advantage of that feeling for as long as possible.
                They walked about town for a while as it seemed he was looking for a place to settle down. She wasn’t worried, she half expected he’d bring her to a hotel and just cuddle the night away like he did when they were usually together but he couldn’t seem to find his way around. Frankly she didn’t know where they were, only really ever venturing from Alfons’ to Sullivan’s and back. The rest of the city seemed so different to her so foreign. It had been a long time since she had been loaned out, years in fact but she reveled in the sights. It was another dreary autumn day so the mood was cast grey with the weather but that didn’t hamper her spirts.
                “Where are we going?” Misty asked softly. She was okay with simply walking around but was curious as the look on Dave’s face gave away how lost he was.
                “I’m looking for something just keep quiet.”
                He had never been that forceful with her though she had never really spent time talking to him in the past.
                “Alright, I’m sorry.”
                “It’s fine I just…there it is.”
                They walked towards a large warehouse with blasted out windows and scorched brick. A fire broke out here years ago from the looks of it and no one took the time to fix it back up for use. It was abandoned. Looking around Misty noticed they had stumbled into the old industrial street off the river. Most of the buildings were unused and boarded up. A cold chill ran through her blood and she knew it wasn’t from the wind.
                “What are we doing here?” Misty asked sheepishly. She grasped tighter onto the man’s arm. He didn’t seem to notice.
                “In here.” Dave said walking up towards the door.
                Misty noticed that they were all alone, having left all the others walking the streets a while ago. She tried to stand her ground and let him go but his hands grapsed her small arms and dragged her forward. In her chest she felt a nausea rise and panic set in.
                “No, I don’t want to. Let me go!”
                “I’m sorry Misty, I needed the money…I’m so sorry.” Dave said dragging her inside. From across the shadowed room she saw something move and her stomach dropped. The darkness ebbed and flowed and took the shape of a large man.
                “No!” she screamed.
                That’s impossible! Her mind was aflame.
                “You were caught! I saw you in a cell! No Dave please don’t do this to me.” Misty screamed and kicked trying to get out of the man’s grip but it was no use.
                “I’m sorry Misty. I’m sorry.” Dave repeated.
                The shadow emerged holding a wade of cash that Dave took and ran. Before Misty could react the shadow was upon her with his strong hands. He practically picker her up off the ground and took her deeper into the darkness.
                “You won’t escape me this time,” He whispered, “you’re the last piece of my puzzle.”
                Her feet were dragging across the floor as she succumbed to his strength. There was no point in fighting back against him. In her heart she felt a crack start to grow. She had let her guard down, had become a victim of her own weakness and now…there was no hope. Tears streamed hot down her face as the makeup began to run. Her blood was ice cold now as the light from the street disappeared the further in she was taken. She had been lucky the first time but now she felt her luck had run out.
                What did I do to deserve this? She thought as the pain increased in her chest. She hadn’t been an evil person, she was if anything a victim her whole life and now here she was again a victim to an evil man. She should have left when she had the chance, taken the woman’s offer when she was sitting cold and shivering in her office but no, she had to go back to her ‘normal’ life and her ‘haven’. It wasn’t a haven, it was a box, for people to peer in and use her as they saw fit. She wasn’t in control, they were in control. The men and the money. She never had control. And now as the light was snuffed out she was lost.
                The shadow tossed her down on the floor in a dark room. Smells of decay and the squeak of rats greeted her as her face was inches from something wet. She touched it and pulled her fingers apart. There was a pool of blood and as her eyes adjusted she saw it, a body hacked to pieces against the wall. Another woman, victim of men, victim of circumstances, weak and discarded by society.
                “I couldn’t find the right pieces no matter how hard I looked.” The shadow said retrieving something from a table. “I don’t normally work during the day but this was important. I needed to get his right. But don’t worry, you won’t be alone. For my needs there is at least one more piece of the puzzle. So for now just sit tight like a good girl.” The shadow returned to Misty pulling her towards the wall opposite the woman split and two and tied he up like he had done before. Her wrists still ached from the first time but she had no more tears left to cry. She was dried up and spent of sorrow, it was all replaced with a morbid acceptance. The acceptance that this would be her fate.
                All hopes that she would one day be a mother, a wife, a teacher, a normal person in the eyes of those outside her box were lost to her now. No life existed once she was thrown in this new box. The line ended here and try as she might to fight she couldn’t find the will. She was tired of fighting and trying to make life more than what it was. Resigning to her fate she whimpered in silence as the shadow walked away leaving her alone with the rats and the blood and the death.
                That’ll be me…is that what I deserve? Misty thought looking over the younger woman. She was missing an eye, her jaw, a leg, an arm, and she was split up the middle. Misty didn’t know what parts were missing but she knew there were less now then when he started. She might not live to fulfill her wishes but she wouldn’t live long enough to let him fulfill his. She didn’t want to hear his voice or see his shadow ever again.
                With renewed tears she contemplated her own death. She had been powerless up to this point but now she would take her life into her own hands. She knew a girl once who had died after a massive fit causing her to bite a large chunk of her tongue. Without the use of her hands that would be the only way. She put her tongue between her teeth and started to bite. The pain was too sharp and she stopped.
                “I can’t do it.” Misty cried. The air choked in her throat. “Why am I so weak!?” she screamed. She was exhausted and wanted to sleep but was afraid of what she would wake up to. There was no recourse, no solutions, only the darkness. She wept as all other sounds drowned away, all except the rats eating away at the corpse sitting next to her. The corpse she would soon be joining one way or another.

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